An Ode To Self-Care

A collective, focused on highlighting wellness that creates an environment for more healing, more living, and a more organic lifestyle.  


Curated with you in mind


Those with unusually keen foresight into healthy living.


Those who influence a life of more healing, living, and self-care.


Those who aren’t sure where to start their health journey but have a desire to seek information.

Health Conscious

Those who address the root cause and not the symptoms of illness.

Our Story 

June 15, 2015 my brother was diagnosed with a grade 4 primary glioblastoma (Brain Cancer). From being told there was little doctors could do, to needing to set his affairs in order, I was determined to find a way to help my 30 year old brother live and not die. This began an extensive journey of researching and reading essentially everything cancer related, from food to herbs and anything in between. My family had to make a change, starting with watching the things we were putting in our body and on our skin.

I was amazed to read of all the chemicals we put in our body on a daily bases, from the food we eat to the soaps we use, even the healthiest of us. Jada had to go through a bout of combined chemo-radiation therapy, which resulted in darkening of his skin, hair loss, dryness etc. I set out to discover natural products that would restore moisture and even out his skin tone. Along with faith and prayer, we set out on a journey of natural and holistic living. We would minimize the use of unnatural and chemically induced products used in our day to day lives. 

M Collective Care was born out of a need for answers, a mission to heal and an effort to prolong life through better overall health and wellbeing. It wasn't long after that, request were being made. What started as a family effort and a heartfelt journey, it is now a brand committed to helping others. We lost my brother on May 24th, 2018 but I hope we can help others on thier journey to self-care and healing.